Dealing With Disappointment
Earlier this month, I made a decision to make peace with a major loss. As I've reflected on the process, I decided it was worth summarizing. How do you make peace with disappointments? First, all disappointments should not be accepted. Sometimes a disappointment is a chance to overcome a very difficult challenge, re-set goals, or re-focus energy. A disappointment can be an invitation to get more help, more information, more resources, a different perspective. Having done all of this, sometimes we're still stuck with not getting what we expected or are entitled to have. Then, what to do? Here are the steps I followed: First, choose to take the long view. Put your loss in perspective. Compare what has been lost to other accomplishments, achievements, resources, abilities, opportunities. Second, re-examine the opportunities currently available. How can these be used? What unobserved options are here for the taking? Why didn't you notice these in the past? Third, make peace wi...