Reconciled and reconciling
When I accept that I am in good standing with God, it is easier for me to accept the perspectives and ideas of others. God, through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary, has canceled whatever debts I owed Him and has cancelled the effects of sin in my life--now, and after I leave this world. I am now in the beloved family of God. As a member of God's beloved family, I trust Him to resolve difficulties and conditions beyond my understanding. I trust Him to speak to and deal with others who may trouble or disturb me. "He's got the whole world in His hands." I follow His will, rather than my own, because He knows more than I. I am reconciled to God, and this feels right in my spirit. Now, because I am reconciled to God, I can be a reconciling person in the world. I cancels the debts others owe me, just as God has canceled my debts. If someone wrongs me, I no longer seek after that person with the expectation that they will ...