Don't Have A Story? Don't Worry About Not Telling It
When I was a little girl and would take shopping trips downtown with my mother, we would sometimes encounter someone on the major streets who would wave their hands in the air, shout about "the end" coming and exclaim the necessity for all sinners to repent. I remember asking my mother what it was all about, and she told me that person thought they were "witnessing." Later, this kind of activity sometimes came to be known as "street witnessing" or "street evangelism: approach a person you do not know, tell them something they're not interesting in knowing, appear impatient or irritated when the listener doesn't respond as you had hoped, brush them off if they don't accept the tract you are passing out, and move on to attack the next person. Ironically, the following phrase (or something very close to it) has been attributed to Jim Eliot : "the Bible, in its original languages, has no word for missionary, but only a word for witnes...