Deliberate LIFE: “Seek and Ye Shall Find”!
Many thanks to Fay Johnson, who shared her incredible magazine, Deliberate LIFE, with me. Now, I get to share it with you! Have you ever felt a little “disappointed” after reading a lifestyle magazine? Did you finish up thinking you could never emulate the images and ideas in the articles? Did you decide to live in fantasy land, rather than attempt to copy or be inspired by something apparently out of reach? Deliberate LIFE offers another option: clear, easy to read articles highlighted by warm, inspiring photos illustrating graceful living, eating, and travel experiences that are reachable, do-able, and totally worthy of pursuit. As I read through the magazine, I was reminded of how God’s goodness is expressed in the choices many of us have and too often take for granted. Yes, we have to eat…and for most of us, that means cooking. But it doesn’t always have to be a chore. It can become a little bit of adventure in taste, smell, and sharing. A g...