Failed Reunion After Parental Alienation? What's Next?
Failure. Loss. Short end of the stick. Fruitless endeavor. Heartbreaking. Hurt. Pain. These are some of the thoughts and emotions associated with parental alienation . Gather those feelings and multiply them by ten or twenty. You will then know how it feels to accept a “failed reunion” with your child after having battled parental alienation. If you are looking for a formula to help you determine if your reunion with your child has failed, I have no formula to offer you. Only you know when to declare the reunion a failure. Some parents may refuse to ever declare the reunion a failure. These parents may accept mistreatment, financial and other types of abuse, or visible disrespect for an indefinite period of time. They have convinced themselves if they tolerate whatever happens in the relationship with their child, a reunion of sorts has occurred and healing is underway I don’t think that is a very healthy perspective. I have some personal experience with reun...