
Showing posts from February, 2015

Midweek Meditation: The Power of Silence

The phrases "I'm not ready to talk about it now" or "I need to think more before I respond"  may become two of your best friends. Never give a speedy response to a complicated crisis.

A Question for Lent: Did Jesus Teach Mindfulness?

When you read this word, do you associate the concept of mindfulness with Christianity? Do you think of Buddhism, or do you think of the latest trends in personal development, neuro-linguistic programming, or business philosophy? Did Jesus teach mindfulness? If he did, why do so few of us in North America associate becoming still and focused with the practice of Christianity? If he didn't teach it, should Christians fear the introspection so often associated with mindfulness? Does silence frighten you? What is mindfulness, anyway? If you search the phrase "what is mindfulness?", you will find a variety of definitions--take your pick!  Mindfulness, however, is generally associated with becoming still, quiet, and allowing the mind and body to rest in a nonjudgmental (of self or others) state. Let us consider what we know, from Holy Scriptures, that Jesus did teach. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his listeners each day had enough troub...

#PeopleOfTheCross Monday Moment of Prayer for the Egyptian Coptic Christian Martyrs

Lord, the horrible deaths of the Egyptian Coptic martyrs trouble me. But this I believe: In a way unknown to those of us who are left behind, you comforted their minds, bodies, and spirits in those final moments. Your revealed presence wiped fear and terror from their hearts. As their spirits left their broken bodies, You joyfully and proudly welcomed them into your uninterruptible presence. They now live in comfort, joy, and praise. They have no regrets for their sacrifice. Their pains are eternally forgotten. Their testimony and witness will continue through endless ages, world without end. Your precious children are never forgotten or abandoned, never absent from your care, never beyond the reach of your power. Amen.

Thursday Thoughts: Moments and Tomorrow

"We do not remember days; we remember moments" -Cesare Pavese "And in today already walks tomorrow."- Samuel Coleridge Taylor Trust God to make your moments memory-worthy and your tomorrows eternally worthwhile.

Monday Meditative Moment--with Bunyan

Do you wonder if your prayers "work", or if the prayers are effective? Read John Bunyan's definition of prayer. "Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Holy Spirit, for such things as God has promised, or according to His word, for the good of the church, with submission of faith to the will of God."  --John Bunyan That's a mouthful! P hrase by ph r ase, let Bunyan's words guide your prayers this week.

Midweek Meditation: The Power of a Wish

Never wish ill upon anyone. Wish for change, or growth, or humility. Never wish ill, because the energy of your wish will remain with you.

Monday Meditative Moment

Emerging from a crisis? Do not try to "reclaim" what was lost. Some of "what was lost" built your crisis for you and walked you into that crisis. Take your new self into the future, trusting that the good from your past will safely and silently travel with you.