
Showing posts from December, 2015

#JesusChrist: Why the #Incarnation?

It's not as difficult of an answer as you might think. What is unique about Christianity is the energy, effort, and movement to break the disconnect between God and humanity are all about God reaching out to us. We are only expected to do one thing. We are not, in the Christian tradition, asked to practice rituals to connect with God. We are not asked to offer sacrifices, whether easy or painful. We are not asked to pray a certain number of times each day. We are not asked to detach ourselves from our surroundings, feelings. or experiences. We are simply asked to believe. Frankly, believing is more of a challenge than doing all of the things previously mentioned. Believing kills pride and the self satisfaction that whispers "I did it. I'm good enough. I'm following the rules. I'm OK all by myself because of what I've done." What are we asked to believe? We are asked to believe that God loves us so much and wants relationship...

#WWJD What Would Jesus Do? Wrong Question

If " what would Jesus do ?" is the wrong question, what is the right question? The right question is "what would Jesus have me do where I am, right now"? For many who want to know what Jesus actually did on Earth, it is fairly easy to read an understandable translation of the New Testament. Some don't have access to Scripture in their language, but even in those cases, radio broadcasts in hundred of languages make most of the Bible available to many people throughout the world. What would Jesus do? Jesus lived, in His earthly experience, in a very different place and context than most of us will ever know. Many of the questions and issues we face were unknown and unheard of in Jesus's time. In a very general way, we can be guided by His principal teachings and the inward leading of the Holy Spirit. But, it is more important and relevant for us to ask the most personal of questions: "What would Jesus have me do where I am, right now?" I...