
Showing posts from November, 2016

Day 30: Completion of the 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey!

Lord, teach and lead me to value Source over substance, which means I will put you first in my plans and actions---which means I will always make time to pray. Amen.

Day 29: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, cleanse our minds from the falsehoods that say you don't care about us, won't do anything for us, and don't want to hear from us.

Day 28: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, from you I seek: ears to hear you, a mind to embrace your guidance, and a heart to love and walk with you. Amen.

Day 27: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, teach us to pray and teach us to love prayer. Amen.

Day 26: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, I will offer a honest and heartfelt prayer to you and I will be content with your answer. Amen.

Day 25: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Examine me, Lord: cleanse my spirit, my mind, and my emotions, and lead me in the way that brings and holds eternal life.

Day 24: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

I am thankful, Lord, because you touch the lives of my family, my friends, and others around me through my prayers for them. Amen.

Day 23: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Dear Lord: thank you for empowering me to choose courage over cowardice, hope over fear, and love over hate--today and everyday. Amen.

Day 22: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, when I think of your kindness and mercy, the sadness crumbles--if only for a moment--and I am thankful.

Day 21: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

I look forward, Lord, to the goodness you have planned for me inside of this week: people, opportunities, inspirational moments, laughter, and peace! Amen.

Day 20: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, remind me daily: the chaos in the world that rejects you doesn't weaken my faith, but shows more clearly you are The Way, The Truth, The Life. Amen.

Day 19: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

I thank you, Lord, that I am free to be truthful and honest at all times, because you control the outcomes of my actions.

Day 18: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Yes, Lord, I will pray as if everything depends upon you, and I will think, plan, and persist as if everything depends upon me. Amen.

Day 17: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Teach me, Lord, to prefer the wisdom that comes from listening over the attention that cones from speaking. Amen.

Day 16: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, cleanse and clarify my motives so that my singular purpose and motivation is to make you proud of me, your beloved child. Amen.

Day 15: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, today and tomorrow  I choose listening  to you over worry and I choose taking small steps forward over procrastination.  Amen.

Day 14: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, I trust you with everything: the memories of my past, the challenges of today,, the uncertainties of my future, and my eternal life in your presence. Amen.

Day 13: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Thank you, Lord, for this: The "joy of the Lord" is my strength, because I am filled with happiness and courage when I recall the goodness and confidence you have poured into my heart and into my life. Amen.

Day 12: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Dear God, as I trust you to speak to me when I need to hear from you, I commit myself to set aside scheduled time to hear what you have to say. Amen.

Day 11: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, I am grateful for every good thing you brought into my life and I am grateful for every momwnt I smiled joyfully while you shielded me from unknown and unimaginable evils waiting to consume me. Amen.

Day 10: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, I am never ashamed to speak of you or speak for you because it is your love that energizes me for all good things. Amen.

Day 9: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

I was falling into despair, sadness, and fear until I remembered: underneath are the "everlasting arms." Amen.

Day 8: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord: when I pray, I am not just sitting or standing in a room saying words, but I am inviting you into my thoughts and actions. Amen.

Day 7: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Lord, you are "in the boat"  of life with me, so no circumstance can overcome us. Amen.

Day 6: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Thank you, Lord, for constantly telling me to "fear not", because I know fear really does freeze the mind, heart, and spirit. Amen.

Day 5: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Dear Lord: I trust you when you call me to higher ground by saying "Come out from among them."

Day 4: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Dear Lord: thank you for teaching me to believe beyond what I see. Amen.

Day 3: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Dear Lord: I gratefully honor the body you have given me by eating good food, enjoying enough rest, and embracing joyful laughter each day. Amen.

Day 2: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Dear Jesus: because my well-being is your responsibility, I can leave anxiety behind. Amen.

Day 1: 30 Day Sentence Prayer Journey

Join me in thirty days of sentence prayer. Today, the sentence prayer focuses on obedience. "Lord Jesus: day by day, I will do as you say. I am a faithful follower. Amen."