Once Saved, Always Saved? Answer for Final July Challenge Question, Part 3 The Problem of False Confession
Let's take a final look at the question asked last month. Is it true that a Christian, a true Christ follower, is "once saved, always saved?" The answer is yes. If you have not read the previous posts on this topic, please read them: ICYMI: Here is the original question . ICYMI: Here is part one of the answer . ICYMI: Here is part two of the answer . Why is there some much confusion over this question? There lives within the organized church structure a problem which has existed since the early days of the church: the false confessor, or the person who claims to be saved but is not. This is not new. Read this passage from the single-chapter Book of Jude (written, according to scholars, at or before the end of the first century, AD or CE). : "These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage." (verse 16) Read this passage from the seventh cha...