Encore: Parental Alienation: When To Give Up The Battle In Court
This is another encore post. This post was originally published in 2013, but continues to be one of the most popular posts on this site. In this post, I am writing from my personal experiences and observations. I am not an attorney, counselor, court employee, or social worker. When this post was originally published, there was much less general knowledge and understanding of parental alienation. In fact, some doubted if parental alienation was even possible, or if it was something the courts should attempt to address. Fortunately, things have changed over the last seven years. You may be a targeted or non-custodial mom or non-custodial dad. You may have a family member or friend dealing with parental alienation. You may be an unknowing participant in parental alienation. Whatever your situation, I hope this perspective will be useful to you if you have found yourself entangled in the painful and life-changing experience that is parental alienation. Grace and peace to you....