Hagar, at the end of herself, obeyed God
(c) Deborah Evans If you haven't reviewed it, read the July 22 post for the first part of this story. There are two summary lessons from Hagar's story. Let's take a look at them. As you read, consider how these lessons may apply to you. Lesson 1: Although none of the "power players" in Hagar's environment cared about her, God cared and God acted. This caring and this acting made all of the difference. If you read the previous post, you know the power players in Hagar's life were Abraham and Sarah, her owners. Both Abraham and Sarah used Hagar without concern for her well-being or safety. When Sarah felt Hagar was no longer useful, Sarah ordered her husband to throw Hagar and Hagar's son out of the house. Sarah's husband obeyed. In fact, God directed Abraham to obey his wife Sarah regarding throwing Hagar out of the house. If God cared about Hagar, why did he allow Hagar and Ishmael (her son) to be put out of the house and into the wilderness? God w...