Pentecost: The Rushing, Visible, Transforming Power and Presence of God
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled
the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of
fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled
them.. –Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)
Many doubters of God’s existence have said, or written, “If there is a
God, why isn’t the existence of such a Being obvious to everyone? Why isn’t
God’s existence and presence completely obvious and beyond question or dispute?
Why is there so much mystery and uncertainly about whether or not there is a
God? Why does God make humanity struggle in order to know Him?”
One day, many, many years ago in a temple in Jerusalem (a temple visited
by people of different languages from throughout that region), God’s presence
was visible and obvious to everyone present. Those who witness this “happening”
had different views of what went on that day. Some said those impacted by the
Undisputed Presence were simply drunks, even though it was only 9 am. After
all, there is nothing to stop someone from getting drunk at 9 am if that is what
is wanted. Others were amazed, beyond words, and had no explanation of what
they witnessed. Still others proclaimed they’d witnessed a unique appearance of
No one today need struggle to know of God’s existence and presence. A
simple prayer of “God, I want to know you and I want to experience you as the
Creator and Sustainer of my life. Show me your presence, tell me what you want
me to know, speak to my heart and I will listen” will bring an immediate
response to anyone who honestly prays this prayer.
Because something happened a long time ago does not diminish that event’s
Most amazing about the events of Pentecost is the permanent change which
occurred in those who experienced God’s presence resting on them on that day.
This (somewhat) motley crew of individuals were transformed from former fugitives into
bold spokespersons who challenged the powers of their day by teaching and
telling of God’s closeness, God’s love, and God’s call to repentance and
The “old selves” died, new selves were born, and they changed their
world. The followers (later called apostles) encountered and overcame strong
opposition, constant persecution, ostracism, and outright rejection. Their
impact was positive and permanent. They gave up much of what they had to follow
a path unmarked, unplanned (by them), and unpredictable. They were honored of
and loved by God. The contradictions in their experiences are endless.
Are we certain we want to experience God in this way? Encountering God
close up and in-person leaves no room for backing out or backing away. Is this
what we truly seek?