One "Like a Son of Man": Reflecting on Christ the King Sunday
In my religious tradition , the church celebrates themed days on an annual basis. Almost everyone knows Christmas and Easter as two of those days, but Christ the King Sunday seems to be sadly fading into obscurity in some corners. The revelation of Christ the King is clearly seen in the first chapter of the Book of Revelation , in the New Testament. Revelation is one of those sections of Holy Scripture that frighten some away, while others focus on small and difficult to interpret details of what’s known as “end times.” A man known as John the Revelator (possibly the “beloved apostle” John, who wrote other parts of the New Testament) describes his experience in encountering the ascended, supreme Jesus who bears almost no resemblance to the God-Man person who spent approximately thirty-three years living among regular people in Palestine and teaching about the Kingdom of God. Here is what John says about his encounter with Christ the King: “I turned aroun...