One "Like a Son of Man": Reflecting on Christ the King Sunday
In my religious tradition, the
church celebrates themed days on an annual basis. Almost everyone knows
Christmas and Easter as two of those days, but Christ the King Sunday seems to
be sadly fading into obscurity in some corners.
The revelation of Christ the King is clearly seen in the
first chapter of the Book of Revelation, in the New Testament. Revelation is
one of those sections of Holy Scripture that frighten some away, while others
focus on small and difficult to interpret details of what’s known as “end
A man known as John the Revelator (possibly the “beloved
apostle” John, who wrote other parts of the New Testament) describes his
experience in encountering the ascended, supreme Jesus who bears almost no
resemblance to the God-Man person who spent approximately thirty-three years
living among regular people in Palestine and teaching about the Kingdom of God.
Here is what John says about his encounter with Christ
the King:
“I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to
me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands and among the lampstands
was someone “like a son of man”, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet
and with a golden sash around his chest. His head and hair were white like
wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like
bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing
waters.In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his
mouth came a sharp, two-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all
its brilliance.” –Revelation 1:12-16 (NIV)
Depending upon how you read this, John is describing a
horrible image of an unnatural being, or John is using a series of similes to
describe someone whose presence challenges effective description.
If you are a student of the Book of Revelation, you may
be familiar with the many ways in which writers have attempted to explain the
person described here. The long robe represents honor, authority, and royalty.
The golden sash suggests a unique, eternal priesthood. Snow white hair speaks
to agelessness, while eyes like blazing fire suggest a penetrating, never dying
insight into all that is. The glowing bronze feet imply stability, certainty,
upstanding and unwavering status. A voice like the sound of rushing waters?
Such a voice has no beginning or end, is irresistible and unstoppable; it is
beyond ignoring and impossible to deny. The two edged sword in his mouth tells
us this person speaks the word of God.
But what does it all mean and why are these words in
Scripture? How do we benefit from knowing how Jesus chose to reveal himself to
a lonely man who was in exile because of his testimony of and for Jesus? John
says he was a “brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient
endurance that are ours in Jesus.” (Chapter 1, verse 9)
Jesus chose to reveal himself because we need to stay
clear about the Savior and Lord we are worshiping and following. Jesus chose to reveal himself because if you do not know him, you need to be clear about who he really is.
How often, when we think or speak of Jesus, do we imagine
a human-looking person walking or riding a donkey in an ancient culture? Do we
have crosses and crucifixes as symbols of Jesus? Do we imagine someone exiting
an empty grave, or someone speaking to a crowd about how to live in the Kingdom
of Heaven? Do we think of a man who worked miracles, ate with sinners, and
incurred the wrath of traditional religious leaders? Do we picture a dying man, tortured on a cross?
All of these would be accurate, but none of them would be
complete images of who Jesus is today.
He is one “like a son of man”, but he is also the eternal
God. He has complete and total authority over all that has been, is, or will
come into being. He is observing, walking among, evaluating, and protecting the
church (the seven stars referred to by John). He holds the “seven stars” (the seven churches
later referenced in the Book of Revelation) in his right hand, a place of honor.
The church is never far away, unimportant, or absent and unaccounted for by Christ
the King.
His face, “shining like the sun in all its brilliance”, represents a
Presence too powerful to resist. John says “When I saw him, I fell at his feet
as though dead.” In other words, John passed out. Then, John adds, “He placed
his right hand on me and said ‘Do not be afraid.’”
He says the same thing today to all who will listen.
As we leave Christ the King Sunday (November 24, 2013)
and head toward the beginning of the Advent season, let’s remember Jesus no
longer lives as a baby, or a carpenter, or a rabbi, or a master teacher and
storyteller. He is God Almighty, who decided to become like one of us for a
while: to live, to eat, to work,
to cry, and to spend time living as we live, so that we can trust him when he
says, “Do not be afraid.” He knows exactly how we feel because he has
been one of us, but he was always more than we could ever be.
We can know him without fear, and experience all of the
life and love he has for us. He is Christ the King and makes all things
possible and do-able for those who follow him.