Advent Meditation #2: He Has Been Mindful

"He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant." - Mary, the mother of Jesus, in Luke 1:48.

God is always mindful of our condition and our circumstances. God never chooses to disconnect from his creation and his creatures.

When the angel Gabriel announced Mary's calling as the mother of the soon to be born Messiah, Mary asked one question and then quickly accepted her calling.

Mary's song includes these words:

"My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful..." (Luke 1:46 and 47)

God, as Jesus Christ, came to be among us and to be one of us. This truth expresses the full extent of God's loving mindfulness.

God did not choose to love us only from a distance. Yes, God knows all. Still, he revealed his mindfulness by choosing a place and time to become (visibly) one of us.

Now, he offers to live within us: guiding our thoughts, calming our troubled spirits, enabling us to become like him.

We do not admire him from afar. We are called to become like him because his presence living in us makes this possible and also very desirable to our redeemed spirits.

He has been mindful of us in every situation of life. In his loving mindfulness,  he chooses to come closer as we open our hearts, minds, and spirits to him.


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