Advent Meditation #3 : God Came Near To Speak Face-to-Face

God came near, as Jesus Christ, to teach a lesson we can learn in no other way.
We are deeply valued by God, our creator.
The pain and confusion we have created in this world does not cancel that value.
The brokenness many of us live with does not cancel that value.
Thr difficult circumstances we struggle with--perhaps for a lifetime- -do not cancel that value.
We are unique creations, made in the image of God. This image or likeness is spiritual, not physical.
We have a natural knowledge of right and wrong, even when we ignore that knowledgr. Death, sickness, and cruelty disrupt us because these things don't reflect our lives as God intended them.
We were created for peace and pleasure that reflect our God-origins.
As we were made in God's image, Jesus lovingly chose to take on a human form to express his love for us, even in our frustrated and broken lives.
We can never exist beyond God's love because God's love is not based on our good behavior. God loves because God exists only as love.  Even in correction, there is love.
Will you invite God to speak to you during this season?


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