The Post Pentecost Prayer for Power
God, the Holy Spirit, lives in and through us. How, then, can we pray for Power to live the Christian life honestly and completely? Begin by saying three things to God. Then, listen for the answer. Speak and listen. Thank you. Heal me. Teach me. This is the most basic form of the prayer. As you become more comfortable, add more. Do not copy what is here, unless these words are also the requests of your heart. Speak what comes from your heart, unedited and unplanned. Here is an example: Thank you... for a mind that works for a body to house that mind for a spirit that can never die, disappear, or fade away for a purpose I can find and express for people who care about me for people to cared about me for people who will care about me for loving, keeping, and protecting me. Heal me... from the love of sin from obsession of any kind from self doubt from jealousy from greed from lack of belief in your goodness from lack of belief that you will always s...