July Week 1 Challenge Quiz Answer

Option B is the correct answer. Why?

Imagine this: an all-powerful being takes you back into time and outlines all of the reasons why someone did what they did. Then, the being explains who helped them, what motivated and made all of the connections that led the parties to act. Then, the being explains to you all of the illness, dysfunction, and pain that motivated someone to harm you.

You now have all of this information. What will you do with this information?

You have two options: you can pursue revenge or you can move forward.

If you pursue revenge, all of the energy of your life will be directed to responding to the illness, dysfunction, and pain created by someone else. Whatever path you were on (a path to happiness, wholeness, pursuing a goal or a dream) will be permanently altered. You will not be  in control of your life's direction. You will have given that control away to the person who harmed you. In fact, you will now be taken down the same road they were traveling. Your life won't be yours anymore; it will belong to someone else.

If you want to experience grace, you will decide to spend time and energy answering this question: how do I move forward?

There is no all powerful being who will take you back into time and explain everything to you. On your own, you may spend months, years, or even a lifetime trying to understand something you cannot know.

Don't waste whatever time you in life only to arrive at a dead end/ Whether you are 20 or 70, you never have enough time to chase the unknowable. Heal yourself and then move on to what's next. Always keep the momentum moving forward. 


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