Holy Week Meditation for Good Friday: It Is Finished

Photo by Deborah Evans (c) 2019

"It is finished."

No more barriers between God and people. Ask and listen and trust and obey.

No, God is not angry with you. God invites you away from destructive behaviors and thoughts otherwise known as "sin."

God loves you enough to provide a safe way to escape the pain that has cursed humanity from the earliest of days.

You are not compelled to choose God's ways, but the option is open.

When Jesus said "It is finished", he was affirming the completion of his earthly work as the debt payer for our sin and shortcomings, Believers are empowered to live out God's dreams for us .

All of this goodness happens after a night of betrayal and a day of pain, tears, clouds, earthquakes, and death.

Jesus, the Unstoppable Savior and Redeemer, works in the meanest places to bring us hope and light and life. He reaches out to you.

Will you reach back to him?


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