Holy Week Meditation for Holy Satuday: All now mysterious shall be bright...

As  21st century believers in Jesus Christ, we have an advantage those first followers did not have on this day we call Holy Saturday.

Those apostles were certain life as they'd known and hoped for was over forever. Somehow, the miracle worker who raised the dead was himself dead. He died a torturous death by crucifixion and most of his disciples had been justifiably certain this would be their fate as well.

They spent the day and night in hiding.

Fortunately for us, we know from the scriptures and from our experience how the story ended.

Jesus' return from death guarantees we don't cease to exist when our spirits leave our bodies. Resurrection is for all of Jesus' true followers.

The lesson of Holy Saturday can be found in the words of the beloved hymn, "Be Still My Soul":  "all now mysterious shall be bright at last. "

This is the comfort that never ends, regardless of time, space, and circumstance.

Amen, and thank you Lord Jesus.


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