No Cursing Allowed, Or Do Not Call God's Wrath On Your Enemies

Recently, more than a few social media accounts I follow have featured what the writers seem to believe are their "righteous" calling down of bad "future news" and negative "prophetic warnings" against those considered to be enemies.

This is probably not a new trend, but I've noticed two particularly vicious "statements of rebuke" in the last seven days.

No cursing allowed.

This means we, as Christians, have no permission or authority to strike against those we consider enemies with words of "prophetic" threats and " warnings" of bad things to come for those we believe oppose us, wish us harm, or seem to be in the way of our progress.

God says vengeance belongs to him. This means any corrective or punishing action against someone will be done in God's way and in God's time.

Calling curses into someone's experience is not our responsibility and it is not something we are called to do. It doesn't matter how many Bible verses you quote. Your wishful energy is for someone to be hurt because you don't like what they've done. You want to direct the outcome of a situation in which you do not know all of the facts.

When you use scripture to call hurt upon someone, you are using the Lord's name (and his word) in vain.

People hurt us for reasons we cannot always fully understand. Go to God and express your desire to be healed from this pain and your total willingness to let him handle everyone who needs handling.

Don't be surprised if, after you are healed and restored, God sends you to aid in the healing of the one who hurt you. We are called to be people who bless, heal, restore, and express the love of God in a world that needs first hand exposure to blessing, healing, restoration, and love.


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