12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 3: Scripture As Your Ultimate Guide

If you live in North America or other industrial economies, you probably have access to a phone, radio, tv, or other device allowing you to listen to or watch a variety of Bible teachers, preachers, or Christian programming.

If you do not have time to read your Bible each day, please disconnect from these "teachers" and give that time to reading the scriptures. While these programs may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the Bible.

I am guessing many of the speakers who appear in TV or other types of programming know many of their listeners and watchers are lacking in Bible knowledge. Perhaps these speakers feel they are doing you a service by teaching you the Bible or explaining the Bible to you.

That's fine.

Please know, however, the apostle Paul told his student Timothy and all who follow the way of Christ we are to study to show ourselves approved of God. This means we read and refer to the words of scripture and we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us if we need insight or understanding. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.

The Holy Spirit is never wrong, mistaken, or uncertain about anything. God, the Holy Spirit, can and will answer every honest question you will ever have. The Holy Spirit will open the truth of God's Word to you clearly and with authority you can rely on.

If you have time to watch or listen to a thirty minute program, you have time to be in the Word of God for thirty minutes.

 Which choice are you making?

Christian programs have blessed many believers over the years, including me. But: first things first. Never substitute any teacher's instruction for the perfect and divine revelation of the Holy Bible.

If you can quote a "Christian media" personality more easily than you can quote the words of Jesus, you already know what you need to do.


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