12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 11-Am I Born Again?

Jesus said "you must be born again." -- Gospel of John, chapter 3 verse 7 . Read the entire chapter to understand what this means.

How do you know you are actually born again?

Only you and God know your true experience.

Look for these markers:

Can you remember a specific time or place when you voluntarily asked Jesus to take control of your life? Saving faith is not inherited or gained through family tradition. If your memory is undamaged, you will remember your conversion just as your remember other major life events (graduations, marriage, first job, birth of a child or grandchild, etc).

Have you experienced a clear change in your will and your desires that correspond with God's will as revealed in the New Testament's teachings about holiness, loving others, serving God, sharing the gospel, living honestly, and looking forward to the visible return of Jesus Christ?

Do you consistently treat those you live, work, and associate with well? Would they say you do?

Do you reject the worldly teachings of prejudice, bias, hate, and discrimination? Do you seek to be as humble as Jesus Christ?

Do you willingly and joyfully accept and celebrate God's right to rule your life? Do you reject philosophies and teachings that contradict the Christian faith as taught in the Gospels and other New Testament writings?

 Remember the words of Jesus: "you must be born again."


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