A Prayer to Stop Generational Curses

If you believe in generational curses, or have observed how negative habits and outcomes are passed from generation to generation, the solution begins with prayer.

If there is such a thing as a "successful prayer", that success begins with:

1. Submission to the will of God, and knowing God's will is our best and highest good.

2. Knowing prayer is not a tool to manipulate people, nor is it a tool to attempt to manipulate or demand something of God.

3. Accepting our identity as beloved creatures of God who have access, or direct connection, to God through our embrace of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, God's son and the eternal savior.

4. Accepting the truth of each individual's responsibility for their life experience and eternal destiny. When individuals reach an age of accountability (approximately 20 years of age, based on Numbers 24:26-35), family members, elders, and others no longer have spiritual responsibility or authority for the choices of that young person.

With these things in mind, the prayer to stop or cancel generational curses may include these thoughts and words:

Lord, I accept and submit to you as the highest authority of what is good, what is evil, what is blessed, and what is cursed. I trust and believe in your definitions, as revealed in the total revelation of the entire Holy Bible.

Lord, I am willing to permanently abandon the habits, actions, patterns, preferences, and priorities that have brought pain, failure, sin, and frustration to my family. At the same time, I am willing to permanently replace those habits, actions, patterns, preferences, and priorities with those that demonstrate consistent obedience to your guidance on how to live and function in this world.

Lord, I renounce and permanently abandon the false belief that deception, manipulation, mind control, lying, covenant breaking, witchcraft (in all its forms), and dishonesty and cheating (in all their forms) can be used by a Christ follower as a way of achieving a goal, experiencing emotional or sexual satisfaction, maintaining a lifestyle, or maintaining the appearance of a lifestyle.

Lord, I renounce and permanently abandon vows, rituals, and affiliations (past or present) in secret societies that required me to pledge ultimate allegiance to those secret societies as a condition of membership.

Lord, I am willing to become and remain totally honest with myself about the past and present actions of ancestors and currently living family members. I reject the false belief that anyone escapes the generational curse and deep, lifelong pain of abuse (verbal, physical, sexual, spiritual, financial, emotional, or any other abuse). I commit to honesty in seeing and speaking only what is true, whether the actions were in the past or are currently happening. I commit to seeking qualified help and legal protections/remedies for those who have been harmed. My actions will be focused on healing and protection for the harmed.

Lord, I am willing (if necessary) to stand alone in stopping generational curses. I am willing to act for the eternal good of future and currently living family members. I am willing to seek and accept allies who are committed to your will and your way. I am willing to keep a safe space between myself and anyone who embraces, defends, or ignores evil. I am willing to trust you on a daily basis for the strength to be a witness to your power in stopping generational curses.

If you have read this far, the issue of generational curses is one that may have meaning to you or someone you love.

Healing is a messy business, but if you do nothing or look the other way, the curse lives on. In fact, it gets worse.

Please share this post with anyone who may need it, including individuals, classes, groups, families, church leaders, etc.

My prayer for you is that you will, with God's guidance, find the way to freedom, healing, and a new future for yourself and your descendants.



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