Lenten Meditation: The Twice Daily Prayer Cycle
I shared with a friend my new twice daily prayer practice: one prayer in the morning, and one prayer in the evening.
This practice began when I started to feel overwhelmed by the constant news reporting on COVID19, or the coronavirus.
It's not a hoax, a phase, or a media manipulation.
I like to be informed, because fact based information makes us smarter. Smart is good.
The prayer practice I shared involves a morning prayer of worship, followed by requests for insight, courage, faith, and understanding. Finally, I pray health for all people and wisdom and courage for all leaders.
Informed medical counsel says our bodies and minds need several hours of sleep every 24 hours.
My second prayer of the day is for restful, healing sleep. No matter what happens tomorrow, we will handle it better if we get a good night's sleep. This prayer features gently closed eyes, and slow, deep breathing for about 5 to 7 minutes.
At this time of challenge, I urge you to find and commit to a prayer practice that works for you. Get your mind off the coronavirus merry-go-round for at least ten to fifteen minutes each day.
If your church, like mine, has canceled worship services for now, use whatever technology you have to connect with others.
Remember: we don't go to church; we are the church. If we can't meet inside of a building, we can still be the church for each other and for God.
If you can't imagine your faith outside of a building, ask God what this imagined limitation means. God is never limited.
Grace and peace to you as practice prayer and the freedom of your mind and spirit.
This practice began when I started to feel overwhelmed by the constant news reporting on COVID19, or the coronavirus.
It's not a hoax, a phase, or a media manipulation.
I like to be informed, because fact based information makes us smarter. Smart is good.
The prayer practice I shared involves a morning prayer of worship, followed by requests for insight, courage, faith, and understanding. Finally, I pray health for all people and wisdom and courage for all leaders.
Informed medical counsel says our bodies and minds need several hours of sleep every 24 hours.
My second prayer of the day is for restful, healing sleep. No matter what happens tomorrow, we will handle it better if we get a good night's sleep. This prayer features gently closed eyes, and slow, deep breathing for about 5 to 7 minutes.
At this time of challenge, I urge you to find and commit to a prayer practice that works for you. Get your mind off the coronavirus merry-go-round for at least ten to fifteen minutes each day.
If your church, like mine, has canceled worship services for now, use whatever technology you have to connect with others.
Remember: we don't go to church; we are the church. If we can't meet inside of a building, we can still be the church for each other and for God.
If you can't imagine your faith outside of a building, ask God what this imagined limitation means. God is never limited.
Grace and peace to you as practice prayer and the freedom of your mind and spirit.