Ride On, King Jesus

The writer of these words, from a classic spiritual, sings the phrase "Ride on, King Jesus", followed by "no man can hinder me."

 There many interpretations, but what can these words mean during the time of the novel coronavirus, of COVID19?

Jesus continues his involvement in our lives. He is not distant. He is not absent. He is not unconcerned,  unable to act,  or lacking in ability to direct events.

The Bible says Jesus now occupies a place of power and honor, in contrast to how he was perceived and treated during his visible earthly ministry. The metaphor used to explain his position says he is "seated at the right hand of God." God is a spirit, a non-physical being , and does not have a literal "right hand."

 In the ancient world, to say that someone sat at a ruler's right hand meant that person held a position of power, trust, and authority. Jesus holds that position, and as we trust and follow him, we benefit from his advocacy on our behalf. Jesus advocates for us to God the Father and also intervenes in our behalf in the world. Even those who do not acknowledge him will move and act at his direction. If you have followed Christ, you have seen this or will see it.

When the writer says "Ride on, King Jesus" , let's hear and understand the cry of the heart for God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, to work in and also on behalf of all people.

As Christ followers, our prayers should be for all people to experience the personal revelation of Jesus Christ, regardless of anyone's circumstance, background, or condition.

Jesus Christ's ability and willingness to act in the world is not limited by the events we witness today or any other day. Our ability to see and experience his action on our behalf is totally determined (or limited by) our faith (expressed as obedience) and our willingness to follow. He is the focus of our attention, not human leaders or man made institutions.

Jesus always leads his faithful followers home.

For some, this means they will die during the pandemic. Even apart from family and friends, they will not die alone. Some will suffer setbacks and financial losses. These things don't represent the neglect or abandonment of the Christ follower. It means God has a new place prepared for you. That new place may be different from what was, but at no time is the life of God's child left unplanned or unprepared for.

For some, the greatest pains and strains may be emotional or psychological. These injuries are often invisible, but their effects are real. You may have a difficult time finding the words to express how you feel, or feel totally unable to show any vulnerability. Even in these spaces, Jesus walks alongside us, comforting us, giving insight, and guiding us to our truest and deepest purpose.

Even situations that overwhelm cannot block God's love, presence, or protection.

I can tell you this: if you honestly and sincerely reach out to God, God's loving care and power will be made real to you. To you personally. There will be no lack of certainty of God's concern and love and care for you. It will be clear and undeniable.

Ride on, King Jesus. We are yours and we live or die in your care. We are protected by you---eternally. We are never alone and are never beyond your loving touch. For this we thank you.


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