The Five Minute Prayer: Habits and Discipline

Habits determine character, and character determines destiny. This truth applies to our time here and in the life that follows and continues forever.

If you are struggling with any habit you no longer want (substances, a short temper, procrastination, sloppiness, lying, the failure to keep your promises, etc.), the five minute prayer for habits and discipline will help you move forward.

Practicing the five minute prayer:
1. Set a timer for five minutes.
2. Sit in a place that's quiet where you won't be disturbed.
3. Choose words representing your desire for change. Put these words into one sentence.
4. Repeat this sentence prayer until the timer signals. Resist the temptation to check the timer. Breathe deeply as you pray.

As an example, here is the sentence I used: "Lord Jesus, be the ruler of my habits and enforce your discipline."  Choose words that come from your heart. Reduce your words to a single sentence. Repeat your sentence slowly for five minutes.

Practice the prayer for a week. Look for changes, promptings, and new ideas that will come in answer to your prayer.

Discipleship should be joyful, not filled with pain and struggle. Remember the Lord said he came so  we could have life (the life of God) and have it abundantly.



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