Blessed Assurance: Wisdom from Classic Hymns

Blessed Assurance (lyrics by Fanny J. Crosby)

Blessed assurance: Jesus is mine.
O, what a foretaste of glory divine.
Heir of salvation, purchase of God.
Born of his spirit, washed in his blood.

Many classic hymns, written in the 19th or early 20th century, seem difficult or nearly impossible to understand. The songs often use terms that are obsolete, followed by imagery we no longer use and struggle to appreciate.

I grew up singing these hymns each Sunday, but I recognize they may seem strange and difficult to those who aren't comfortable with them. I hope this series gives you new insight into why these songs still speak to the hearts of so many.

In this series on classic hymns, I hope to make these hymns more approachable and show why the messages are timeless. While respecting and honoring the original work of the hymn writers, I will attempt to adapt some of their language to the early 21st century. 

I hope the adaptations inspire you to seek out the original hymns and find a personal and contemporary meaning in these classic words.

Blessed Assurance (original)

Blessed assurance: Jesus is mine.
O, what a foretaste of glory divine.
Heir of salvation, purchase of God.
Born of his spirit, washed in his blood.

Blessed Assurance adaptation: 

Forever safe and secure: Jesus has an unbreakable hold on me and I have an unbreakable hold on him.

This happy and unbreakable connection is just a sample of what I will see and feel and enjoy in his heavenly and endless kingdom.

I'll be in that kingdom because he has saved, changed, remade, and restored me.

He has remade me by the power of the Holy Spirit; he claimed me forever by dying in my place and bringing me back to life with him.

Do you feel a newer or fresher understanding of this hymn? 


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