"What did the resurrected Jesus do for his followers?"

(c) Deborah Evans

The resurrected Jesus did at least four specific things for his followers. I will summarize them for you. Look for these actions in your life and think of ways to expand the effects of these actions. 

1. Jesus personally demonstrated his power and answered doubts his followers may have had about him. In Matthew 20:19-29, Jesus passes through locked doors to join his disciples and then reveals his wounds, uniquely verifying his identity. No imposter could completely copy or hijack his identity because what Jesus displayed was totally unique to him as both human and God. Also, read Luke 24:36-44.

2. Jesus personally passed his life energy to his followers by breathing on them and baptizing them with the Holy Spirit. In John 20:22-23, Jesus baptizes his followers with the Holy Spirit. Note the traits and actions of these Holy Spirit baptized followers: the power and persistence to follow Jesus completely right up to the moment of death, the courage to own him publicly without shame or fear, the ability to explain why salvation is necessary (not optional),
and the ability to make more disciples.

3. Jesus teaches his disciples who he is by opening their minds to what the holy scriptures say about him. In Luke 24:40-49, this is clearly stated. Jesus elevates and makes clear his status as the Messiah spoken of by the prophets while demonstrating the reliability of the Bible. His life,  resurrection, and continuing actions are proof the Bible can be trusted.

4. Finally, Jesus gave his followers a purpose and a mission. You may have a purpose and not know how to carry out that purpose. Mission = method for carrying out the purpose. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus reinforces his authority and then gives a purpose (make disciples) followed by a mission (baptize them, teach them to obey everything I have commanded you).

All disciples (followers) do not have the same purpose and mission. Read chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians. 

What is your purpose and mission? Where do you see the actions of Jesus in your everyday life?


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