Listening to God


(c) Deborah Evans

Is listening to God as difficult or mysterious as some have suggested? Why is there so much mystery around listening to God? Books have been written about this. Seminars and conferences have been presented on this. Aren't Christians the "children of God"? Why so much mystery or difficulty? Is it because so many oppressive, murderous, and evil actions have occurred because someone said they heard the voice of God?

Jesus clearly explained this in John's gospel (chapter 8, verses 39-47). In verse 47, Jesus said "He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God."

Actions speak. When someone says they have heard from God, but engage in abuse, assault, murder, or hold hateful thoughts toward any group, you can be certain that person did not hear from the God of the Bible. Jesus clearly taught to love your neighbor as yourself.  "Who is my neighbor?" the questioners asked Jesus. In reply, Jesus told a story often referred to as the "Parable of the Good Samaritan." In this parable, Jesus clarifies his teaching by explaining the neighbor is one who crosses our path, the one you encounter in daily life, the one who shares this entire world with us. "Do unto others as you would have then to do unto you." When you have truly heard from God, this "do unto others" rule will be your guide and your purpose.

Listen so you can follow. Follow so you can listen. If you want to know what someone is thinking, you stay close to them. If you want to hear from someone, you make yourself available to them and you maintain open communication. Disciples and followers want to hear the voice of God in order to obey the will of God. There is no desire or drive to impress others by saying "God spoke to me" or "I received a vision" or "I have a word for you." God will clearly speak to anyone who wants to know and obey God's will and purpose. It has been said "to hear from God is to obey God."

Examine your motivations for wanting to "hear from God." If your true desire is to know the will of God in order to obey God, you will indeed hear clearly from God. It is not the character of God to deny, confuse, or mislead those who want to know what God has to say. If you have some other motivation, prepare to be deceived, lost, or confused. God knows your motivation, and honors only those who come to him with an honest and open heart, and a willingness to obey what they hear.


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