The Rules of Lying
(c) Deborah Evans
According to a 2022 CBS News report, the average person tells four lies each day.
This survey report suggests lying has become a natural and habitual way of life for many people. Rather than simply condemning this habit -- a habit most people acknowledge as "wrong", or "less than best"--I thought it would be more useful to list the rules of lying.
Rule 1: Deny actions and experiences that may require the telling of a lie at a later point in time.
Rule 2: Remind yourself of Rule 1 each day.
Rule 3: Remember the average person tells four lies each day and take this into account during your conversations and contacts. It is likely you are being lied to regularly.
Rule 4: Self-examine on why lies often appear an easier "out" than telling the truth.
Rule 5: Self-examine on what type of relationship you have with a person you regularly lies to or tell lies about.
Habits are hard to break, but the breaking begins when you refuse to lie to yourself. Ask yourself: 1. Why am I choosing actions that require lies as a follow up? 2. Why am I interacting with people who accept lies as a part of the relationship? 3. What part of myself am I dishonoring, denying, and diminishing by lying?
Begin with truth-telling. You can build on that.