The Joy of the Lord is your Strength


(c) Deborah Evans

Nehemiah 8:10: "Do not grieve...the joy of the Lord is your strength."

What does this mean?

Read the book of Nehemiah, not a long book, if you want to understand the historical context of this statement. What can it mean for us in 2023?

We were created for joy and happiness. The joy and happiness experienced in our creation was based on our close, uninterrupted connection to God. We cut that connection in the early days of humanity (see Genesis, the book of beginnings) and God restored to us the option of that connection through Jesus Christ. 

As Christ followers, we can now honestly say "the joy of the Lord is my strength." What does this joy look like in our life experiences?

We have the security of knowing in this life we walk a road prepared for us and will have a safe, final arrival in God's kingdom in a place made specifically for us. See John 14:2.

We have the certainty of knowing we don't exist through a random process of chance, but were created by God and placed in our time, place, and circumstances to complete tasks granted (gifted) to us by God. See Jeremiah 1:5. We don't all have the same mission, or Jeremiah's calling, but we have a meaningful purpose. Knowing that purpose and expressing it fully is another way we experience the joy of the Lord as our strength.

The joy of the Lord becomes our strength and continues as our strength when we remind ourselves we are never alone. If you are following Jesus Christ, he promises to never leave or forsake you. He says he is with us always. See Matthew 28:20.

The fact that Jesus Christ is not visibly present is irrelevant. You are following him because he is leading you, even if you cannot see him with your eyes. If you are following him, it's because he has spoken to you, you have heard and understood his voice, and you have sensed and experienced his love. He has provided insight, warnings, guidance, and protection--all without being physically present.

There is no greater joy than knowing the one who does so much for you will never leave (go away from) or forsake (completely abandon) you. This is where you find the joy of the Lord.


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