
Showing posts from September, 2019

Day 12 of 12: Christian Self Examination: Talking and Listening to God

"Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the heart and soul to God through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Holy Spirit, for such things as God has promised or, according to the Word, for the good of the church, with submission, in faith, to the will of God." - John Bunyan This rather long single sentence captures every element of powerful Christian prayer. Let's review the elements of true prayer. Prayer is, among other things: Sincere, Sensible, Affectionate, Directed to God through Christ, Done in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit, Seeking what God has promised, Based on the Word, Seeking the good of the church (the body of Christ --present and future), Offered in submission and faith to God's will. Pray as you would have a conversation with a friend - listen and speak; be patient while you wait for answers; assume goodness and love; don't demand or command; look to the future and look forward to your time...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 11-Am I Born Again?

Jesus said "you must be born again." -- Gospel of John, chapter 3 verse 7 . Read the entire chapter to understand what this means. How do you know you are actually born again? Only you and God know your true experience. Look for these markers: Can you remember a specific time or place when you voluntarily asked Jesus to take control of your life? Saving faith is not inherited or gained through family tradition. If your memory is undamaged, you will remember your conversion just as your remember other major life events (graduations, marriage, first job, birth of a child or grandchild, etc). Have you experienced a clear change in your will and your desires that correspond with God's will as revealed in the New Testament's teachings about holiness, loving others, serving God, sharing the gospel, living honestly, and looking forward to the visible return of Jesus Christ? Do you consistently treat those you live, work, and associate with well? Would they say yo...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 10-The Paths of Peace

Five minutes. Take, not find, five minutes. Sit in a quiet or solitary space. If there isn't a quiet or solitary space in your home, find a place to park your car and sit alone. If you have no car, take a five minute walk. If your neighborhood isn't safely or easily walkable, take over your bathroom for five minutes. If your bathroom isn't a quiet space, take a five minute bath or shower to claim some solitude. If that doesn't work, get up extra early or stay up extra late. By now, you've gotten my point: let nothing stop you from taking five minutes (for three or four times per week) to express gratitude and thankfulness to God. Peace is the other side of gratitude and thankfulness. Thank God for every good thing He has done, including bringing you to this world and into connection and relationship with Him. This is not a time for requests or complaints. If your mind wanders to negativity or fear, being your thoughts back to every good thing God...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 9: The Paths of Joy

What is the "joy of the Lord"? Experiencing God's joy may feel differently for each of us, but that joy always has one element in common: we look forward to what God does for us in this life and also in the life to come. Our joy cannot be based on heaven alone. Eternal life doesn't begin when we leave this world. Salvation is for here and for heaven. Eternal life begins when we choose Jesus as our leader and we commit to following and obeying Him. We were created to be in fellowship with our creator. It's that fellowship that brings joy. That fellowship requires God's leading and our obedience. There cannot be one without the other. How does joy show up, and how is it experienced? The joyful Christian is free from holding grudges, because vengeance has been turned over the God. The joyful Christian isn't unnaturally stressed, because God assumes responsibility for the believer's safety, welfare and wellness. The joyful Christian under...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 8 - Give and Share

Giving and sharing come from an appreciation of God's gifts to us. Giving and sharing are the opposites of greed and fear. Are you giving to a church of other religious organization because you are afraid of what may happen if you don't give a certain amount of money on a regular basis? Is someone quoting Old Testament Bible verses (especially from the third chapter of Malachi) to pressure you into giving money?  Please understand the Old Testament tithe was not cash or currency. The Old Testament tithe was literally food: meat, grain, wine, spices, and other items needed by the Levites because they did not have and were never assigned (by God) an allotment of land to farm in the Promised Land. The Levites (priests) were to rely upon God for their physical needs. This is why the Book of Malachi (in the third chapter) mentions "robbing God". You will not find this mentioned in the New Testament. Under our new covenant, able individuals are expected to work ...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination: Day 6 and Day 7-Who's in Your Inner Circle?

Whom do you see, speak with, and listen to every day, every week, or several times each month? That's your inner circle. You are influenced by this group of people more than any others. Do you and your inner circle share beliefs, values, priorities, and life goals? Are you constantly struggling to be understood by people who seem determined to misunderstand you? Do you feel responsible for saving those intent on self destruction?  Do you feel emotionally empowered or emotionally drained by the people you see in your daily life? Who encourages you when you're feeling sad or unhappy? Who encourages you to maintain good physical and emotional health and wellness? Who prays for you and isn't hesitant about letting you know? Who holds you accountable to consistently live up to your best self? During the next two days, examine and honestly assess your inner circle. Who must stay? Who needs to go? Pray about this, but don't be afraid to acknowledge some rel...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 5: Do You Judge God?

Does it seem ridiculous to write "Do not judge God"?  Perhaps this statement seems ridiculous and even blasphemous, but do not doubt that many people judge God. How would we recognize someone judging God? Read these sentences and listen for the tone and energy of judgment in the words. " I prayed for the job, but someone else got it. That's not fair. "  "Why are all of my friends happily married and I'm not? God must love them more than me. "  "My grandfather was a man of faith. Everyone prayed for him to be healed, but he died. Where was God"? " Why did God allow a drunk driver to kill my sister"?  "There is so much evil in the world. Why doesn't God stop it?"  " A dishonest minister stole money from the congregation. I am through with church forever. " Now listen to some possible responses to the judgment encased in those sentences. " I have a better position waiting for you d...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 4: Fearing No One

This self examination requires thinking, writing, and imaging. One of the greatest teachings of Christianity is that we are to fear no one. Practice this exercise: Write the names of three people you fear. This could be a known enemy, a co-worker or boss, a family member or neighbor, or anyone. Next to each name, write every reason for your fear. This list may include what this person has done to you in the past, what they have done to others, what they have threatened, or what you believe they are capable of. In spoken prayer, take your list to God.  Speak aloud every fear. Ask God for wisdom in dealing with this person. Ask God to show you how to move beyond your fear. Do what God says. Write the answers God gives you. Put those answers into practice. Keep your writing and review it a month from now and review your writing again in three months. What has happened? Naming your fears and handing them over to God is the beginning of  fearing no one. Place your fe...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination Day 3: Scripture As Your Ultimate Guide

If you live in North America or other industrial economies, you probably have access to a phone, radio, tv, or other device allowing you to listen to or watch a variety of Bible teachers, preachers, or Christian programming. If you do not have time to read your Bible each day, please disconnect from these "teachers" and give that time to reading the scriptures. While these programs may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the Bible. I am guessing many of the speakers who appear in TV or other types of programming know many of their listeners and watchers are lacking in Bible knowledge. Perhaps these speakers feel they are doing you a service by teaching you the Bible or explaining the Bible to you. That's fine. Please know, however, the apostle Paul told his student Timothy and all who follow the way of Christ we are to study to show ourselves approved of God. This means we read and refer to the words of scripture and we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us if we ...

12 Days of Christian Self -Examination Day 2-Nuture the Body

Do you think of your body as sinful, unattractive, problematic? Many people who claim to be or actually are Christians try to separate spiritual growth from the well being, energy, and vitality of their bodies. This doesn't make you a better Christian. This type of thinking sets up roadblocks that make a peaceful life more difficult. God created you with a body that allows you to exist in and interact with a three dimensional world. You will leave this world and this level of existence when your body no longer functions at  a certain level. Your body requires nurture (food, water, rest, movement, etc.) in order for you to live the life you've been given. Are you throwing away your life by hating, damaging, and destroying your body? Are you projecting negativity by wishing you were someone else? Are you imagining goodness comes in a package that doesn't look like you? Are you using sex and sexual fantasies to project your body into an experience that isn'...

12 Days of Christian Self Examination: Day 1- How to Pray

Pray as if you are completely and comfortably in conversation with your best friend. The prayerful conversation is one in which you listen at least as much as you speak. This is not a public prayer and should not sound like one. Your deepest, most confidential conversation never resembles a public speech or announcement, correct? You approach prayer with comfort, not fear. If fear arises, smother it in the knowledge that God is always and forever working on behalf of your best and eternal welfare. Grow beyond going to God in prayer and reciting the plans of others who may wish to harm you or sabotage your progress. It's a waste of time and energy as God knew all  about it before you knew anything about it. Grow beyond thinking prayer is a negotiation in which you are "reminding" or "calling to God's remembrance" what He has promised to do for you. God created the promises you trust and doesn't need to be reminded of them.  Instead, ask God to r...